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We believe in a future that is bright; a future that is just and sustainable; a future that goes beyond the status quo. We’re building a movement that connects community foundations, Canadians and partners to make this future a reality.

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The ECSF is a $350 million emergency funding program from the Government of Canada to help qualified donees serving vulnerable populations disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Learn more about ECSF and what projects are being funded from coast to coast to coast.

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Our 191 community foundations are actively contributing to Canadian communities from coast to coast to coast, helping donors match their interests to community needs and finding innovative ways to make every donation count. Are you looking for a way to help your community?

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COVID-19 | Meet the Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund Advisory Council


Are we looking in the mirror?


#COVID19 | Dealing with COVID-19 as a community foundation